Diploma in CBT/REBT

          (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy)

For the 1st time in the Levantine Region, REBT will be brought to you by CPD-PSYCH in collaboration with CCBT UK, founded by Avy Joseph.

As representatives of CCBT in the Levantine region, CPD-PSYCH will be running this UK Diploma course over a period of 6 months spread over 6 weekends (once a month), using an exciting combination of lectures, demonstrations and group work.

The REBT Diploma will provide you with the structure, therapeutic framework and CBT skills necessary to progress towards becoming a counsellor and/or psychotherapist, as laid out by the law of the country in which you reside.

Steps to get your

official Diploma Certificate

At the end of weekend 6, you will need to hand in a 2000 words essay and one month later, a 5000 words case study that will be followed by a live role play of your Rebt skills in front of an examiner.

Your official diploma certificate will be issued in the UK, by the College of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CCBT).

Upon completion of the Diploma, students are encouraged to take their expertise to the next level with workshops in the Clinical Applications of REBT Techniques. These workshops will provide an in depth look at how to apply REBT to various disorders.

There will be 4 workshops in total which will cover: Depression, Anxiety & Panic Disorder, Eating Disorders and OCD.

Your personal journey

in self-development

At the end of each weekend, for personal learning purposes only, you will be asked to complete questions on the weekend and to keep a self-development journal. For those wishing extra help, it is always possible at your own cost to arrange individual supervision/tutorials.

The CCBT in London will not respond to any of your enquiries. If you do have enquiries and need clarification, please contact CPD-PSYCH via email at: info@cpd-psych.com

Continuing Professional Development in psychology.
Clinical psychology workshops to help expand emotional intelligence and connect you with a more authentic life.